Sunday, August 22, 2010

Drawing a matrix plot with R

Catalog MATRIX-RPLOT-0129
Version 0003
Date 08.23.10
URL /solvers/rplotpage/matrix
Source File /solvers/plots/rplot/matrix.qpy
Doc File /solvers/plots/rplot/doc/rplot.tex
Solvers Python, R
Author Dr. Ernesto P. Adorio

The matplot function of R allows the user to plot other vectors against a given vector.
Given an input matrix X, our matrix plot allows one to specify a "base" column for which the other
columns are plotted against it.

Various plot settings allows one to plot either points or lines for other columns.
The main input box expects a matrix with each row written on each line.
A maximum of seven columns is allowed by this matrix plot routine.

Here is a view of the matrix plot page menu screen:

And here is the resulting plot drawn by our online solver.

The actual R code to generate the graph is

png('tmpksstQF.png', width=6*72, height=6*72)
> X <- c(21.69935,-11.798573,104.36818,33.40331,-12.988921,105.79699,48.8454,-12.244453,111.39495,44.10297,-9.557104,136 15997,48.51514,-7.568557,150.82756,65.80403,-9.416977,147.99936,34.86882,-8.473734,93.32171,45.74425,-7.322524,83.93707, 1.8046,-4.894993,151.96477,54.41312,-5.934022,43.50714,53.41098,-10.627767,91.71084,58.93975,-11.212206,118.9405,35.4372 ,-8.715245,55.91096,56.1509,-13.563171,40.80423,81.91758,-11.491009,95.21836,42.168,-13.77088,100.34292,55.15041,-7.5223 7,68.27453,35.32567,-8.874406,129.32671,49.89936,-16.804003,112.49538,43.73633,-8.427571,47.67621,52.84546,-8.812953,88. 2893,55.83368,-10.618802,108.34818,37.9956,-11.34301,64.80144,47.22976,-14.296704,95.19047,62.69356,-11.104689,89.95547) > M <- matrix(X, ncol = 3, byrow=T) > M <- M[order(M[,1]),] > M
> matplot( M[,1], M[,-1],type=c('p','p','p','p','p','p'),lty=c(2,2,2,2,2,2),
+ lwd=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),pch=c(1,2,3,4,5,6),col=c('black','blue','red','green','yellow','violet'),
+ cex=c(1,1,1,1,1,1),ylab=c('y,z'),xlab=c('x'),main="Matrix plot",sub="matplot generator")
> #img tmpksstQF.png

The Qpy code is presented here so that improvements may be facilitated faster.
# matrix.qpy
# 2006.09.02   0.0.1  first version
# 2006.09.20   0.0.2  split from pie, dot page.
# 2010.08.23   0.0.3  revised.

__version__ = "0.0.3 2010.08.23"
__author__  = ""
__title__   = "Matrix PLots using R"
__catalog__ = "MATPLOT-RPLOT-0129"
__url__     = "/solvers/rplotpage/matrix/"

import time
import tempfile
import commands
import os

from  import Directory
from   qp.fill.form       import Form, StringWidget, TextWidget,CheckboxWidget,SingleSelectWidget
from   qp.fill.css   import BASIC_FORM_CSS

from   qp.sites.extreme.lib.tmpfilesmanager import TmpFilesManager
from   qp.sites.extreme.lib.uicommon        import renderheader, renderfooter, processheader, processfooter
from                        import page
from   qp.sites.extreme.lib.checkinput      import checkInputs, getFormStrings
from   qp.sites.extreme.lib.qpyutils        import printRlines, showLogo
from   qp.sites.extreme.lib.webutils        import vecRead, GraphicsFile, as_R_cvector, as_R_vector, as_R_matrix
from   qp.sites.extreme.lib import config


def getcarg(s, defaultval):
    s = s.strip()
    if s in ["", "None"]:
       return defaultval
    return as_R_cvector(s.split())

def getdarg(s, defaultval):
    s = s.strip()
    if s in ["", "None"]:
       return defaultval
    return as_R_vector(s.split())
def Solve(fields):
    # Get the fields.
    (gX, gY, matdata, colnames, against, sortq, plottype, lty, lwd, pch, cex, xlab, ylab, col,main, sub) = fields

    if colnames == "": return "ERROR: blank column names field"
    colnames = colnames.split()

    ncol     = len(colnames)
    if ncol > 7:
       return "ERROR: more than 7 columns specified."

    against = against.strip()     
    if against not in ["None",""]:
           apos = colnames.index(against) + 1
           raise ValueError, "Variable to plot against [%s]is not in column names." % against
       apos = 0

    if matdata in ["", "None"]: 
       raise ValueError, "ERROR: empty matrix data field."   
    X = vecRead(matdata)

    extraargs = ""
    extraargs += ',type=%s' % getcarg(plottype, "p")
    extraargs += ',lty=%s'   % getdarg(lty, 1)
    extraargs += ',lwd=%s'   % getdarg(lwd, 1)
    extraargs += ',pch=%s'   % getdarg(pch, "c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)")
    extraargs += ',col=%s'   % getcarg(col, "black")
    extraargs += ',cex=%s'   % getdarg(cex, 1)
    extraargs += ',ylab=%s'  % getcarg(ylab, '""')
    extraargs += ',xlab=%s' % getcarg(xlab, '""')
    extraargs += ',main="%s"'  % main
    extraargs += ',sub="%s"'  % sub

    # Start of R code.
    fname1    = GraphicsFile(str("png"))
    barefile1 = fname1.split(str("/"))[-1]
    Rcode = """png('%s', width=6*72, height=6*72)\n""" % fname1
    Rcode += "X <- " + as_R_vector(X) + "\n"
    Rcode += """M <- matrix(X, ncol = %s, byrow=T)\n""" % ncol
    if apos != 0:
        if sortq:
           Rcode += "M <- M[order(M[,%s]),]\n" % apos
        Rcode += "M\n"
        Rcode += "matplot( M[,%s], M[,-%s] %s)" %(apos,apos, extraargs)
        Rcode += "matplot(M %s)" % extraargs

    Rcode += """
#img %s
    """ % (barefile1,)

    # Write to temporary file.
    (f, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=str(".r"), prefix=str("tmp"), dir=config.tmp_dir)
    os.write(f, str(Rcode))
    (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(str("R -q --no-save < %s")  % name)
    return output

class MatrixplotPage(Directory):
    def get_exports(self):
        yield ('', 'index', 'MatrixPlot', '')

    def index[html](self):
        form  = Form(enctype="multipart/form-data")  # enctype for file upload
        form.add(StringWidget, name="gX", title="gX", value = "6", size=3)
        form.add(StringWidget, name="gY", title="gY", value = "6", size=3)

        sample = """
    21.69935 -11.798573 104.36818
    33.40331 -12.988921 105.79699
    48.84540 -12.244453 111.39495
    44.10297  -9.557104 136.15997
    48.51514  -7.568557 150.82756
    65.80403  -9.416977 147.99936
    34.86882  -8.473734  93.32171
    45.74425  -7.322524  83.93707
    71.80460  -4.894993 151.96477
    54.41312  -5.934022  43.50714
    53.41098 -10.627767  91.71084
    58.93975 -11.212206 118.94050
    35.43727  -8.715245  55.91096
    56.15090 -13.563171  40.80423
    81.91758 -11.491009  95.21836
    42.16800 -13.770880 100.34292
    55.15041  -7.522367  68.27453
    35.32567  -8.874406 129.32671
    49.89936 -16.804003 112.49538
    43.73633  -8.427571  47.67621
    52.84546  -8.812953  88.02893
    55.83368 -10.618802 108.34818
    37.99560 -11.343010  64.80144
    47.22976 -14.296704  95.19047
    62.69356 -11.104689  89.95547
        form.add(TextWidget,    name = "matdata", title="", \
                 value = sample, cols ="65", rows = "10")

        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "colnames", title="Column names (not blank!)",
                 value = "x y z", size = "35")

        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "against", title="Against", value = "x", size = "10")
        form.add(CheckboxWidget, name = "sortq",   title="Sort?")

        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "plottype", size = 35, value = "p p p p p p")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "lty",      size = 35, value = "2 2 2 2 2 2")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "lwd",      size = 35, value = "1 1 1 1 1 1")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "pch",      size = 35, value = "1 2 3 4 5 6")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "cex",      size = 35, value = "1 1 1 1 1 1")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "xlab",     size = 35, value = "x")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "ylab",     size = 35, value = "y,z")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "main",     size = 35, value = "Matrix plot")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "sub",      size = 35, value = "matplot generator")
        form.add(StringWidget,  name = "col",      size = 35, value = "black blue red green yellow violet")

        form.add_hidden("time",   value = time.time())
        form.add_submit("submit", "submit")

        def render [html] ():

""" % (form.get_widget("gX").render(), form.get_widget("gY").render(), form.get_widget("colnames").render(), form.get_widget("against").render(), form.get_widget("sortq").render(), ) form.get_widget("matdata").render() """
Plot type, type [p l b c o h s S n] %s
Line type, lty [1 2 3 4 5] %s
Line width, lwd %s
Point char, pch [any character]] %s
Char expand, cex %s
X label, xlab %s
Y label, ylab %s
Colors, col %s
Main title, main %s
Subtitle, sub %s
""" % (form.get_widget("plottype").render(), form.get_widget("lty").render(), form.get_widget("lwd").render(), form.get_widget("pch").render(), form.get_widget("cex").render(), form.get_widget("xlab").render(), form.get_widget("ylab").render(), form.get_widget("col").render(), form.get_widget("main").render(), form.get_widget("sub").render()) """ Uses matplot() function of R to plot up to 7 columns of data. The image size is gX inch by gY inch. Use can specify various graphics parameters such as colors, plotting character and labels. Up to six columns can be plotted. When plotting against a specified column, it may be important to sort the matrix based on the specified column if plotting using lines.

When statistics, pairs plots and box blots are required, use the solver Cat STAT-MSS-0064 instead. """ renderfooter(form, __version__, __catalog__, __author__) if not form.is_submitted(): return page('matrixplotpage', render(), style= BASIC_FORM_CSS) def process [html] (): processheader(__title__) calctime_start = time.time() # Get the problem parameters (gX, gY, matdata, colnames, against, sortq, plottype, lty, lwd, pch, cex, xlab, ylab, col, main, sub) = getFormStrings(form, [ "gX", "gY", "matdata", "colnames", "against", "sortq","plottype", "lty", "lwd", "pch", "cex", "xlab", "ylab", "col", "main", "sub" ]) inflag = checkInputs( [("gX", gX, ("float", 3, 10)), ("gY", gY, ("float", 3, 10)), ]) if inflag[0]: "

" else: output = Solve((gX, gY, matdata, colnames, against, sortq, plottype, lty, lwd, pch, cex, xlab, ylab, col, main, sub)) "
" showLogo("Rlogo.jpg") processfooter(form, calctime_start, "./", __url__) process()

Constructive comments from our blog readers are always welcome.

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