You can generate plots for up to 6 equations using our
The graphs can be generated separately or together in a composite graph.
Here is an example of the basic hyperbolic functions plotted together.
This is the solver page with the settings for the composite graph above.
Doubtless this solver needs much improvement. For example, the lines are too thin! and the grid (there is ?!) is drawn also thinly. To remind the solver page writer, we include the source code
so that other people using QP/QPY may make constructive comments.
# file curve.qpy
# 2006.09.02 0.0.1 first version
# 2006.09.20 0.0.2 split from pie, dot page.
# 2010.08.22 0.0.3 added checkboxes.
__file__ = curve.qpy
__version__ = "0.0.2"
__date__ = "2006.09.20"
__author__ = "
__title__ = "XY Equation Curve plots using R"
__catalog__ = "CURVE-RPLOT-0125"
__url__ = "/solvers/rplotpage/curve"
import time
import tempfile
import commands
import os
from import Directory
from qp.fill.form import Form, StringWidget, TextWidget,CheckboxWidget,SingleSelectWidget
from qp.fill.css import BASIC_FORM_CSS
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.tmpfilesmanager import TmpFilesManager
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.uicommon import renderheader, renderfooter, processheader, processfooter
from import page
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.checkinput import checkInputs, getFormStrings
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.qpyutils import printRlines, showLogo
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.webutils import vecRead, GraphicsFile, as_R_cvector, as_R_vector, as_R_matrix
from qp.sites.extreme.lib import config
import qp.sites.extreme.lib.checkinput as check
def Solve(fields):
# Buildup the R code.
Rcode = 'source("%s")\n' % (config.lib_dir + "/mylib.R",)
(gX, gY, splitq, legendQ, bty, ptype, draweqnQ, eqn, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, n, col, main, xlab, ylab) = fields
if splitq == "True":
splitq = True
splitq = False
legend = ""
fname = ""
for i in range(_MAXEQN):
if draweqnQ[i] is True:
eqni = str(eqn[i]).strip(str(" "))
if len(eqni) > 0:
xlow = float(xlo[i])
xhigh = float(xhi[i])
ylim = ",ylim=%s" % as_R_vector([ylo[i], yhi[i]])
nx = int(n[i])
if xhigh <= xlow:
return "ERROR: (xhi[%s] = %s) < (xlow[%s] = %s)" % (i, xhigh, i, xlow)
plottype = ptype[i]
if splitq:
fname = GraphicsFile("png")
barefile = fname.split(str("/")) [-1]
Rcode += """png('%s',width=%s*72,height=%s*72)\n""" % (fname, gX, gY)
if main[i] != "":
mainlabel = ',main="%s"' % main[i]
mainlabel = ''
if xlab[i] != "":
xlabel = ',xlab="%s"' % xlab[i]
xlabel = ''
if ylab[i] != "":
ylabel = ',ylab="%s"' % ylab[i]
ylabel = ''
Rcode += """
curve(%s,from=%s,to=%s,n=%s, col="%s", type="%s" %s %s %s %s)
#img %s
""" % (eqni, xlo[i], xhi[i], nx, col[i], plottype, ylim, mainlabel, xlabel, ylabel, barefile)
fname = GraphicsFile("png")
barefile = fname.split(str("/")) [-1]
# Single plot.
if i > 0:
add = ",add=TRUE"
add = ""
if fname == "":
fname = GraphicsFile("png")
barefile = fname.split(str("/")) [-1]
Rcode += """png('%s',width=%s*72,height=%s*72)\n""" % (fname, gX, gY)
title = ',main="%s"' % main[i]
Rcode += """
curve(%s,from=%s,to=%s,n=%s, ylim=c(%s, %s), col="%s", type="%s", xlab="%s", ylab="%s", main="%s")
""" % (eqni, xlo[i], xhi[i], n[i], ylo[i], yhi[i], col[i], plottype, xlab[i], ylab[i], main[i])
Rcode += """
curve(%s,from=%s,to=%s,n=%s, ylim=c(%s, %s), col="%s", type="%s" %s)
""" % (eqni, xlo[i], xhi[i], n[i], ylo[i], yhi[i], col[i], plottype, add)
if legend == "":
legend="c(\"%s\"" % ylab[i]
legendcol= "c(\"%s\"" % col[i]
legend += ",\"%s\"" % ylab[i]
legendcol += ",\"%s\"" % col[i]
if not splitq:
if legendQ :
Rcode += 'legend("%s", legend=%s), col=%s), lty=1,bty="%s")' % \
(legendQ, legend, legendcol, bty)
if not splitq:
Rcode += """
#img %s""" % barefile
# Write to temporary file.
(f, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=str(".r"), prefix=str("tmp"), dir= config.tmp_dir)
os.write(f, str(Rcode))
(status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(str("R -q --no-save < %s") % name)
os.close(f) # auto delete.
output = str(Rcode) + "\nError: evaluation error in R"
return output
class CurveplotPage(Directory):
def get_exports(self):
yield ('', 'index', 'xycurveplot', '')
def index[html](self):
form = Form(enctype="multipart/form-data") # enctype for file upload
form.add(StringWidget, name = "gX", title = "gX", value = "4", size =2)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "gY", title = "gY", value = "4", size =2)
form.add(SingleSelectWidget, name = "splitq",
title = "graphs?",
value = "True",
options = [("True", "Separate"),
("False", "Single")
form.add(SingleSelectWidget, name = "legendQ",
title = "Legend",
value = "",
options = [("", "None"),
("topright", "topright"),
("top", "top"),
("topleft", "topleft"),
("right", "right"),
("center", "center"),
("left", "left"),
("bottomright", "bottomright"),
("bottom", "bottom"),
form.add(SingleSelectWidget, name = "bty",
title = "Box",
value = "o",
options = [("o", "o"), ("n", "n")]
form.add(StringWidget, name = "ptype", title="Plot Type", value="llllll", size = 4)
for i in range(6):
form.add(CheckboxWidget, name="eqn%sdrawQ" %i, value=False)
eqns = ["sin(x)", "cos(x)", "tan(x)", "sinh(x)", "cosh(x)", "tanh(x)"]
cols = ["blue", "red", "black", "violet", "green", "violet"]
for i in range(_MAXEQN):
form.add(StringWidget, name = "eqn%d" %i, title = "", value = "%s" % eqns[i], size = 32)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "xlo%d" %i, title = "", value = -10, size = 3)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "xhi%d" %i, title = "", value = 10, size = 3)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "ylo%d" %i, title = "", value = -10, size = 3)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "yhi%d" %i, title = "", value = 10, size = 3)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "main%d" %i, title = "", value = "Title%s" % (i+1), size = 5)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "xlab%d" %i, title = "", value = "X%s" % (i+1), size = 5)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "ylab%d" %i, title = "", value = "Y%s" % (i+1), size = 5)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "n%d" %i, title = "", value = 100, size = 3)
form.add(StringWidget, name = "col%d" %i, title = "", value = "%s" % cols[i], size = 4)
form.add_hidden("time", value = time.time())
form.add_submit("submit", "submit")
def render [html] ():
""" % (form.get_widget("gX").render(),
" "
draw? | Equation | xlo | xhi | ylo | yhi | n | color | main | xlab | ylab |
" for i in range(_MAXEQN): """
%s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s | %s |
\n""" % \ (form.get_widget("eqn%sdrawQ" %i).render(), form.get_widget("eqn%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("xlo%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("xhi%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("ylo%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("yhi%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("n%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("col%d" % i).render(), form.get_widget("main%d" %i).render(), form.get_widget("xlab%d" %i).render(), form.get_widget("ylab%d" %i).render(), ) "
This page enables you to plot up to 6 equations either in separate graphs
or in a single composite graph. For the latter, the title is obtained from the main
title of the first equation to be plotted.
renderfooter(form, __version__, __catalog__, __author__)
if not form.is_submitted():
return page('curveplotpage', render(), style= BASIC_FORM_CSS)
def process [html] ():
calctime_start = time.time()
# Get form strings.
(gX,gY,splitq,legendQ,bty,ptype)= check.getFormStrings(form,["gX","gY","splitq","legendQ","bty","ptype"])
gX = str(min(int(gX), 10))
gy = str(min(int(gY), 10))
# Get the equations and their parameters.
draweqnQ = [True] * _MAXEQN
eqn = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
xlo = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
xhi = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
ylo = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
yhi = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
main =["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
xlab =["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
ylab =["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
n = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
col = ["" for i in range(_MAXEQN)]
for i in range(_MAXEQN):
draweqnQ[i] = drawQ = form.get("eqn%sdrawQ" % i)
if drawQ:
eqn[i] = str(form.get("eqn%d" % i))
xlo[i] = str(form.get("xlo%d" % i))
xhi[i] = str(form.get("xhi%d" % i))
ylo[i] = str(form.get("ylo%d" % i))
yhi[i] = str(form.get("yhi%d" % i))
n[i] = str(form.get("n%d" % i))
col[i] = str(form.get("col%d" % i))
if col[i] == "None":
col[i] = ""
main[i] = str(form.get("main%d" % i))
if main[i] == "None":
main[i] = ""
xlab[i] = str(form.get("xlab%d" % i))
if xlab[i] == "None":
xlab[i] = ""
ylab[i] = str(form.get("ylab%d" % i))
if ylab[i] == "None":
ylab[i] = ""
# Check ptype:
ptype = str(ptype).replace(str(" "), str(""))
if len(ptype) == 0:
elif len(ptype) == 1:
ptype = ptype * _MAXEQN
output = Solve((gX,gY,splitq,legendQ,bty,ptype,draweqnQ, eqn,xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,n,col,main,xlab,ylab))
Powered by | |
processfooter(form, calctime_start, "./", __url__)
Also, the server and the developer's own laptop has problems with locales. Seem Ubuntu is infected with this bug.
0001 During startup - Warning messages:
0002 1: Setting LC_CTYPE failed, using "C"
0003 2: Setting LC_COLLATE failed, using "C"
0004 3: Setting LC_TIME failed, using "C"
0005 4: Setting LC_MESSAGES failed, using "C"
0006 5: Setting LC_PAPER failed, using "C"
0007 6: Setting LC_MEASUREMENT failed, using "C"