We show the code, using the mean and lean QP web framework for future reference.
More details are avaiable from the link Digital Explorations, our main blog site.
from qp.sites.extreme.lib.config import image_dir, homeurl __version__ = "0.0.1 2008.10.23" __date__ = "2008.10.23" __catalog__ = "SERV-NETTOOLS-001" __author__ = "ernesto.adorio@gmail.com" __url__ = homeurl + "services/nettools/" __title__ = "NetTools Service Page" from qp.fill.css import BASIC_FORM_CSS from qp.fill.directory import Directory from quixote.errors import PublishError from quixote.util import dump_request from qp.fill.form import Form from qp.fill.widget import CheckboxWidget,StringWidget,SingleSelectWidget, StringWidget, TextWidget from qp.pub.common import header, footer, page, redirect from qp.sites.extreme.lib.uicommon import renderheader, renderfooter, processheader, processfooter import time import urllib import urllib, urllib2, os from qp.sites.extreme.lib.webutils import before, after from qp.sites.extreme.lib import config def getstatusoutput(command): """ Fredrick Lundh http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2006-October/406444.html """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True) s = p.stdout.read().split("\n") return p.wait(), s def isAddressOK(Address): """ Check for bad addresses. """ #Quickie checks. if " " in Address: return False,"Embedded blanks are not allowed inside addresses" if "." not in Address: return False if Address.startswith("-"): # attempt to hack? return False, "Addresses do not start with a dash (-)." #Pure numeric address? return True, "Ok" class NetToolsPage(Directory): def get_exports(self): yield '', 'index', 'NetTools server', None def index (self): form = Form(enctype = "multipart/form-data") # enctype for file upload form.add(StringWidget, name = "Address", value = "www.adorio-research.org", size = 30) form.add(SingleSelectWidget, name = "service", value = "ping", options=[("ping", "ping"), ("whois", "whois"), ("nslookup", "nslookup"), ("traceroute","traceroute"), ("dig", "dig")]) form.add_hidden("time", value = time.time()) form.add_submit("submit", "submit") def render [html] (): renderheader(__title__) """
%s | Address or domain name |
%s | Service command |
""" for line in output: "\n%s " % line """""" else: """ Something is wrong with the input Address. [%s] Setting status to -1. """ % errormessage status = -1 if status: "Error in processing command[%s], exit code =%s " % (command, status) """Check for valid addresses. Embedded blanks are not allowed and must contain a dot "." and must not start with a "-".""" processfooter(form, calctime_start, homeurl, __url__) return process()
Visitors to this web service will be naturally curious what IP address of their ISP is. We will add this feature SOON!
We just did! Take a look at the first screen shot. The second screenshot is the output page.
I just imported the get_sesson from qp.pub.common and made the call
remote_address= get_session.get_remote_address()
You can see the result in the first image above.
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