Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 21, 2013: A painful reinstallation and rewrite of our extreme site.

It was working before extremely well with Quixote server. In my desire to upgrade to the latest QP , QPY webserver system, I have wrecked my hard work of so many years. But I know the developers of QP and QPY have a gem of a web server framework. It just occupies a few space in a Linux system. So we start documenting a fresh rewrite of our solvers using QP, QPY.

Here is what we did.

1. Download the installation files.

wget -ct 0 --no-check-certificate
wget -ct 0 --no-check-certificate

2. Install DurusWorks first.

Unpack the tarball. tar xzvvf DurusWorks-1.2.tar.gz. This creates a directory DurusWorks-1.2/ with the following files: BUGFIX_AGREEMENT.txt CHANGES.txt LICENSE.txt README.txt

and the following sub directories: doc durus proto qp qpy sancho scgi

Reading the README.txt tells me that the installation instructions and other documentation are in docs/DurusWorks.html

As root create the following directories:

mkdir /www
mkdir /www/trunk
mkdir /www/pythonlib
mkdir /www/bin
mkdir /www/var;
chmod 777 /www/var
mkdir /www/qp_sites
mkdir /www/ssl
mkdir /www/cgi-bin
mkdir /www/conf

You are supposed to unpack the package at the /www/trunk directory. But if you unpacked it, you may just use a copy operation: sudo cp -Ruv * /www/trunk.

cd /www/trunk/DurusWorks
python build_ext -i
rm -r build

To be continued .....